Licensing at Sound-Work

January 14, 2024

We have two types of Licensing at Sound-Work. First, basic Royalty-Free and second PRO.

Royalty-Free license – On Royalty-Free you can use non-exclusive and exclusive products. Generally most of our products are Royalty-Free non-exclusive. It’s mean that everybody can buy these products unlimited times. You can use it in many projects like: television, youtube videos, games, animations, podcasts etc. For those who want to be more original we prepare also exclusive products (you will see it in the near future). You can buy these products only once and it’s only yours. After you buy this product it will disappear from our store. For these Royalty-Free products you don’t have to join the autor’s name in your productions. It is 100% Royalty-Free.

PRO – these are our the highest quality products from PRO (Performance Rights Organisations) composers and sound designers. When you buy this type of product you also buy PRO license. You can also use these products in television, youtube videos, games, animations, podcasts etc. but remember that you have to join product’s title and author’s name to your project. Our composers are protected by copyright and get royalties from using their products in your project. You don’t have to pay any extra money for that. We have an agreement with polish PRO – ZAiKS and this organisation represents our producers. So, please be careful when you publish your project in media. Join the author!

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